Cancellation Procedure
Please check the Pitchero and facebook for any notices before you travel. We will try to post updates at least 45/30 minutes prior to the start of a session time. If there are no updates/cancellations, nothing will be posted, and the session will run as normal.
Once sessions have started, we will keep the girls at the training venue until a parent comes for them. Heavy rain/snow/ice is a very good reason for cancellation and if a parent decides not to attend, coaches will not mind.
Although we try to keep to a structure, we do not penalise girls when they are unable to train in these weather conditions.
Girls must wear appropriate clothing and must bring a drink to all sessions
Training Times
Please refer to Pitchero for the Most up to date times and venues.
Age group is determined by age on 1st September.
Members are not insured or eligible to play or train until they are affiliated to England Netball.
All members are issued with a new netball at the start of the season.
The England Netball season runs from 1st Sep to 31st Aug each year, so subscriptions become valid on 1st Sep for the new season.
All members must have an ENgage account with England Netball and be affiliated to MSN through their ENgage account. Details on how to set this up are issued on joining MSN.
Fees and How to Pay Them
All fees are now issued and paid via Pitchero.
Fees and How They are Calculated
All annual & termly fees are paid in advance & are made up of 3 different costs:
England Netball Affiliation fees: paid annually.
MSNC Membership fees: paid annually.
Training fees: paid termly.
Match fees are paid in arrears on a PAYG basis.
Age group is determined by age on 1st September.
Members are not insured or eligible to play or train until they are affiliated to England Netball.
In addition, there are ad-hoc fees paid on a PAYG basis for additional training dates to those announced in the Termly newsletters plus for any fixtures and any kit.
Please note that fees are confirmed in the Termly Newsletter and apply to the following Term.
Failure to pay fees by the due date will result in MSN membership termination. However, should you be experiencing financial difficulties please speak to your Coach or any Committee member & any enquiry will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Should you be experiencing financial difficulties please speak to your Coach who will then liaise directly with the Committee; any enquiry will be treated in the strictest confidence.